Hi All,
MTCQ will be hosting our 2017 club sign on day this Sunday the 26th of Feb at our Undulla property,
It will be run as a Practice day and Riders from all other clubs are welcome to come and have a ride,
We will be kicking off around 9.00 am
Club memberships from $15 dollars for those who wish to join us
Cost to ride will be $15 to licenced riders with one day Rec. licence's available for $30
We intend to Kick off and then set a few sections
we will be setting up down near the old shack.
Cold soft drinks available please BYO food and water.
We will be setting up a special area for the young kids to ride and parents dont worry it wont break the bank!
Come and have some fun with us! Any inquiries Please kive me a call.thanks Justin 0412349877
Signs will be up from Flagstone.see you there!