Sunday 29th October will see the running of the 2023 AMX SUPERSTORES NSW Trial Championship at Pacific Park, South Maroota NSW
All entries are online via the EntryPlace dedicated website:
There you will be able to enter, down load the supp regs, and get updates on venue directions, start and finish times etc etc.
You must be a current MA license holder to enter. (Restricted National or above)
One event licenses can be purchased on EntryPlace if required.
You must be a current financial MA club member, and be able to produce proof of such on the day.
No one day club memberships available.
This year will see the championships run over just a one day format, and our biggest hurdle is still finding enough volunteers and Observers to help on the day.
Please enter if you are capable of riding, but if you know anyone, friend, relative etc etc who would like to help out on the day, please get in contact with us. The more volunteers we have the more sections we can run on the day, so please help if you can.
regards Pacific Park Trials Club
Paul Arnott, Race Secretary
Chris Chellas, Club President