In the heart of South Australia, amidst the dust and the roar of engines, history was made at the 2023 FIM Oceania Trial Championship. This thrilling showdown between two competitors, Australia and New Zealand, unfolded at the scenic Eden Valley Barina Homestead, the Verrall Family Property, on the weekend of September 30th and October 1st 2023.
The following classes/riders competed:
Trial 2
- 1st Place - Warren Laugesen (NZ) (contributing 25 points to NZ)
- 2nd Place - Luke Anderson (AUS) (contributing 22 points to AUS)
- 1st Place - William Thornbury (AUS) | GASGAS 300 (contributing 25 points to AUS)
- 2nd Place - Cameron Judd (NZ) | Beta 300 (contributing 22 points to NZ)
- 1st Place - Finn Pearce (NZ) | Beta 125 | (contributing 25 points to NZ)
- 2nd Place - Jack Salter (AUS) | GASGAS 125 (contributing 22 points to AUS)
Junior 7 to under 13
- 3rd Place - Mitchell Teale (AUS) | GASGAS (contributing 20 points to AUS)
- 4th Place - Zack Furniss (NZ) | Beta (contributing 18 points to NZ)
- 1st Place - Matthew Hannaford (AUS) (contributing 25 points to AUS)
- 4th Place - Paul Jackson (NZ) | Yamaha 175 (contributing 18 points to NZ)
Australia emerged triumphant in the 2023 FIM Oceania Trial Championship with a total of 114 points versus the 108 points accrued by the New Zealand team.
We eagerly anticipate the next chapter in the FIM Oceania Trial Championship, where Australia and New Zealand will once again compete.
For a comprehensive list of individual results and insights you can explore the Vine Inn 2023 Australian Trial Championships powered by GASGAS event page and all of the linked articles on Trials Australia.