Entries are now open for Rd 1 of the OMCC Summer series.
At OMMC we are trying a 50/50 system for this year’s summer series so for 2025, we are introducing a 50/50 route in addition to the standard routes.
The goal is to make our trials fun to ride, yet to help bring our riders on in their skills.
It’s critical we provide a happy, fun progression pathway for our rider to safely progress though the grades and find the grade that our riders feel that they feel comfortable to be competitive and will increase their desire to compete.
For the riders who fell they are ready to progress half of the sections will be ridden as standard, the other half will be on the 50/50 route. Scores will be graded together and as such the 50/50 will act as a handicap on the more advanced riders should they choose to participate.
OMCC will determine which 4 sections are the 50/50 eligible. The riders do NOT choose which sections for 50/50.
The 50/50 is optional and rider can ride the standard routes can be ridden.
A brief example:
- An advanced Yellow rider competing under 50/50 rule will ride 4 sections as Yellow and the remaining 4 will be ridden on the Red lines.
- An advanced Blue/Blue + rider competing under 50/50 rule will ride 4 sections as Blue/Blue + and the remaining 4 will be ridden on the Yellow lines.
- An advanced White rider competing under 50/50 rule will ride 4 sections as White and the remaining 4 will be ridden on the Blue lines.
What is different:
- There is no C+ grade, participant are encouraged to enter the Blue (T4) 50/50 and ride ½ the Yellow (T3).
Full Details below.
Classes |
🟥 Trial 2 (A grade) Red Name plate Note sections will only be set if more than 3 riders enter |
🟨 Trial 3 (B grade and Masters) Yellow name plate Rider to ride yellow lines only 🟨 Trial 3 50/50 Yellow name plate Rider to ride 50 % yellow lines and 50 % Red lines (sections to be nominated by the club) Scores for Trial 3 and Trial 3 50/50 to be combined.
🟦 Trial 4 (C grade) Blue name plate Rider to ride white lines only 🟦 Trial 4 50/50 Blue name plate Rider to ride 50 % Blue lines and 50 % Yellow lines (sections to be nominated by the club) Scores for Trial 5 and Trial 5 50/50 to be combined. |
⬜️ Trial 5 (Club person) White name plate Rider to ride white lines only ⬜️ Trial 5 50/50 White name plate. Rider to ride 50 % white lines and 50 % Blue lines (sections to be nominated by the club) Scores for Trial 5 and Trial 5 50/50 to be combined. |
⬜️ Juniors (under 16 years only) White name plate Rider to ride white lines only ⬜️ Juniors 50 / 50 (under 16 years only) White name plate. Rider to ride 50 % white lines and 50 % Blue lines (sections to be nominated by the club) Scores for Juniors and Juniors 50/50 to be combined |
⬜️ Sub Juniors White name please only Rider to rider white lines only