Western Districts Trials Club is pleased to announce
Ipswich Muffler and Mechanical Shop WDTC Midweek Club Trial
This is the first of this year’s planned series of midweek trials. This one will be held at Whites family property 397 Razorback Road Fordsdale Qld, on Monday 23rd March. Entries are open now.
All of WDTC’s March events have been proudly sponsored by Ipswich Muffler and Mechanical Shop. This is a well established locally owned family business. You can search them on the internet by name; find them at 224 Brisbane Street, West Ipswich; phone them at 07 3281 0444; or email them at [email protected] Please consider supporting those who support us.
For event description, supp-regs, entries, and all the usual details please go to Ridernet. The following link should get you straight to our event.