Entries close Wednesday so get your skates on for Round 2 of the 2016 NSW Trials Championship to be held at the Macarthur Motorcycle Complex, Brians Rd, Appin this Sunday 28th August.
BWPMCC have set 10 superb sections at the site and the weather report is looking sweet, so make sure you get your entry in for another top trial at the Macarthur Motorcycle Complex. We don't get to ride there too often, but the trial earlier this year saw a great turn out and some happy riders. Facilities have been improved with a great pit / parking area. Toilet block close to site, and on-site catering this weekend.
Please phone Bob McGlinchy if you need more information. 0412 336 852
Entry forms can be downloaded from the Entry Form section of this site, LINK
or from MNSW website.