Pete Goddard (President/Director at Motorcycling Australia) in consultation with members of the Trials community are putting forward a strong proposal (attached PDF to this article) to revitalise Motorcycle Trials in Australia.
This new proposal from Motorcycling Australia aims to address fragmentation, improve accessibility, and foster unity within the sport.
To summarise MA's proposal (it's worth a read in full):
- Creation of Motorcycle Trials Australia (MTA): Establishing MTA as the governing body to streamline operations and ensure consistency.
- Affiliation and Representation: Trial clubs can affiliate with MTA, gaining a unified voice through the MTA National Commission.
- Strategy and Development: MTA will develop growth strategies, improve rules, and align with international standards.
- Social and Recreational Riding: Introducing an annual permit for non-competitive Trial riding, providing insurance coverage for venues and volunteers.
MA's attached PDF proposal offers a transformative path forward for Motorcycle Trials in Australia. Let's join forces, enhance accessibility, and create a vibrant Trials community together.
Email sent to all clubs Monday 29th May
Dear Motorcycling Trial Clubs of Australia,
Firstly, I’d like to apologise for the delay in moving the attached proposal forward. The delays have been due to the lack of a decision or endorsement from both Victorian and NSW SCB’s even after several meetings with both since November 2022.
We are writing to you to update, advise and confirm with you the proposed changes MA are planning for Motorcycle Trials in AUS, please read the attached pdf document “Motorcycle Trial's AUS - Club Copy_v1.3.pdf”
We believe this united model will help move Motorcycle Trial forward Nationally, by opening up communication and sharing the best way forward nationally - providing consistency for clubs, events, rules and requirements among other factors. There’s a lot of consideration and work to do, but our aim is to reduce the burden on clubs and individuals, leaving more time for events, riding and fun!
What you need to do:
- Confirm your clubs support or not.
- Clubs in Victoria and NSW, please unite and contact your SCB CEO and President with a firm position of support for this proposal. Please keep in mind that even if MNSW and MV decide not to participate at this stage, MNSW and MV trial clubs will NOT have access to the Annual Social / Recreational Permit with access to MAIL’s Annual Slips & Trips Venue cover.
MNSW @Daniel Rushworth; @Darren Gossling Motorcycling NSW
MVic @Robert Mestrom; @Karen Adams
Please use the attached excel sheet and return it to Peter Goddard directly with your response, specifically -
- Confirm if your club is active and running competition events, or social riding events.
- Confirm if your club is currently affiliated with an SCB.
- Confirm contact details for you club are correct, plus the club nominated MTA Member spokesperson if different.
We are close but need this to be National from day one with your support, thanks for your time and efforts, cheers
Peter Goddard
President - Director at Motorcycling AustraliaFIM CCR Member / Steward – Clerk of Course
Mob: +61 419 634 948