The last round of the VTS series at Sedgwick was again a great and well run meeting by the TCV club.
11 sections of 4 laps for the majority set on the hillside of this great property.
Overcast weather during most of the day until the clouds opened up making the last lap slippery and sections very tricky.
Unfortunately not nice for the observers but like true sportsman’s, they manned their section until the end.
The final series results have been turned around with the key items being enforced this year as per Supp regs.
Zac Mularczyk once again taking out the Trial’s 1 & 2 combined class from Simon VB riding well in 2nd place after a few years in Masters.
Tim Lewis just hung onto 3rd with Dylan Rees taking 4th showing he hasn’t lost any of his skills over the years.
Steve Johnson still shows what a great champion he is in taking out the Trial 3 class once again.
The hotly contested Trial 4 plus class has a new champion with Grant Philips taking out the win from Jason Rigby in 2nd and Stan Mularczyk in 3rd.
Tim Lioyd made a clean sweep of the Vets class from last year’s winner Phil Whittle in 2nd and Les Patterson in 3rd.
Once again the twin shock class of Peter Spencer and Paul Sens battled it out again but an unfortunate DNF from Paul dropped him to 2nd.
Thanks to all 3 club’s of Trials Club of Vic, Ballarat Rovers MCC and Oakleigh MCC for putting on a great trial series again.