The Victorian Trial Series will run as 5 rounds this year with Round 1 kicking off on Sunday 17th April at Sunny Sedgwick.
Online entries available for all rounds at
Some rounds will be running a Junior Development on the day before (Saturday). Keep an eye on this website for updates.
Highest series points over 4 rounds are eligible for the Series awards
No minimum rounds.
Both the Entry and Indemnity forms are required for each event
In the event of a series tie of any place getter, their highest place at the final round (Round 5) will be awarded the higher place. Any individual round tie as per GCR’s.
Some Clubs will accept Direct Money Transfer for PRE-ENTRIES
Expert and A grade classes combined this year as single 'A grade' clas. 'A grade' rides to ride with red plates, experts will ride with red plates with a plus (+). 'A grade' will be timed to 90 second rule.
Riders must produce their club membership at sign-in.
Online entries now available for Round 1: