Western Districts Trials Club, with thanks to the kind and generous cooperation of the Sunshine Coast Motorcycle Club, is pleased to announce that entries are now open for this, our premium event of the year. Yes, the time has come to dust off those old bikes which generally see a lot less daylight than most of the modern bikes, and give them a chance to putter around (or splutter around) once again.
The traditional Saturday evening catered meal is still on, and because the caterers need numbers a week before the event, we are asking anyone who wants to partake in the Saturday evening meal to either enter the event early (by Sunday 1st Nov) so that their meals are included, or to please contact the race secretary by email at [email protected] or by phone at (07) 3349 9996 to let him know your meal requirements before that same date.
As usual, all the event details and supp-regs can be found, and entries, club memberships, and licence transactions can be done in Ridernet. We prefer, as much as is possible for entries to be done online beforehand, however if this isn’t possible we will accept entries on the day, but could you please contact the race secretary on the contact details above to let him know that you are coming. The link below will take you direct into our event information page in Ridernet.