The Electric Motion brand has grown much stronger in Australia in 2021. The EM owners are reporting back to me about the brilliant riding experiences that they are having and the competition Trials riders on E Pures are all riding at higher levels and achieving good results.
The official EM Australia Team are the fine young men in the main image. From left we have Luke Herrmann (14) who won the Queensland MA Junior 13-16 Trials Championship as well as several other Blue Line Trials events this year against riders of all ages. Matt Herrmann (17) has made the leap up to Red Line this year, finishing 2nd in Queensland MA Trials Championships in Open Red Line. I ride around with Matt at most of the comps to tackle the Red Line here in Queensland . I have enjoyed doing the 'minder' role at Trials for my team riders this year too. Attila Sinkovics (9) showed great maturity and focus at the Queensland MA Junior 6-12 Trials Championships, finishing second.
The Electric Trials revolution is happening here in South East Queensland. There are allready 70 x E Pure and Escape bikes been used regularly here in Australia. The owners enjoy the simple benefits of EM bikes- easier to control to a higher level of riding whilst been respectful of other people due to the lack of noise associated with ICE vehicles and they are FUN!
The main new feature for the EM E-Pure Race for 2022 is indeed the TKO or 'tickover'. There are 2 x maps (of 6) where motor idles at approx 1000 rpm, like the 'idle' setting on a petrol burner. The system has been developed by Marc Colomer and Gael Chatagno, World E-Trial Champion. The TKO has made the bike more accurate and even easier to use in sections. Petrol bike riders will find the transition to this electric drive train very easy, the E Pure Race has a diaphragm clutch in oil mated to the powerful electric motor.
The latest EM brochure is in attachment as well as some images from this year.