Sam King should be known to a few of our Australian and Canadian listeners.
Sam rode juniors in Australia and got to quite a high level including a few trips as a junior over to spain and the Juan Pons trials school.
Now day, Sam can be found in Golden in British Columbia Canada, where he runs his company Ride The Vibe which focuses on Trials and Enduro, training and tours. Sam is also regularly putting on trials demonstrations at county fairs and major events.
Further to this, Sam has also bitten the Hard Enduro bug and is banging bars with Cody Webb and Colton Haker.
Sam also has travelled to China with Freestyle Kings and Australian FMX crew to do demonstrations.
This is a real globe trotter of an interview. I hope you enjoy this chat with Sam.
Beta Canada
Salmon Arm GM
Outlaw Trials Sports
Murray Newman Suspension
Redline Motorsports
Blackfoot Motorsports
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