Hi All,
We have had a few issues with kids(under 16) wanting to ride larger capacity bikes than 125cc at a few regular trials and even in some cases State and National Titles and the wrong interpretation of the rules being stated by our officials and non officials!
So we are all on the same page here we are talking about 2 separate issues.
The first is Junior championship classes which we will start with.
To compete in a junior championship class you must ride a 125cc or less.
pretty clear.
The second issue, can a kid under 16 ride a larger capacity bike than a 125cc?
Yes as long as he/she has been endorsed to ride the larger capacity bike and he is competing in open solo class,
That is intro ,clubmen/women, C grade ,C+grade, B grade,A grade,Expert or in some states, Orange line,White Line,Blue line,Yellow line and Red line. any grade other than Junior Championship grades.
attached is a screen shot of an email from Elizabeth Kinderis Motorcycling Australia's Rules and Technical Department and by the way, Elizibeth is very approchable and is only too happy to clear up any questions re.the rule book so people can deal in complete facts.
Please circulate this to anyone and everyone so we are all heading in the one direction