The Keyneton MCC are now offering a 4th support class at the Vine Inn Barossa 2017 Australian Trials Championship, and that class is .....................
"SOLO-2" - and it is for all riders who want to have a ride on a modern bike on the yellow line, but don't fit into Youth or Masters!
That's it folks - ideal for the 22-34 year olds, but open to one and all really, and calling it 'B Grade' just doesn't seem right, so we stole the idea from the World Championships (a bit).
This class will likely ride in the same sections as the Veterans - so there will be a yellow line in each group of sections - and will ride 3 laps of 15 sections each day - but the break down of who rides in each group will be determined, in the end, by entry numbers.

New support class "Solo-2" added to Australian Trial Championship line up
Posted 8th Jan, 2017 |
Matt Langtree