So far we have raised just over $26000 for the team, this is a long way short of our usual budget of $55000 but are very grateful for the support we have received so far from the Australian Trials Community.
We will winding up our go fund me page this Monday so if anyone wishes to support the TdN team they have this weekend to do so. It'll take 2 minutes to donate and a $10 donation from you will help offset costs that our national team and their families have to cover.
Chris Bayles and myself will be flying out on Saturday to Barcelona. We will be picking up rider, minder bikes from the factories, Our new team riding gear from S3 that Michel has donated to the team. up to Jordi Pascuet’s to pick the rest of our gear and a couple more minder bikes.
The rest of the team will fly out on Tuesday and Chris and I will pick them up in Italy at the Venice airport on the Wednesday. The guys will spend the next couple of day preparing their bikes for the Italian world round.
On the Monday we will head to Isola 2000 in the French Alps for two days of training with Jordi and Iris Kramer . On the Friday the girls will ride a world round, Saturday Woman’s TdN then on Sunday the Men’s Tdn.
We will post regular updates on our Trial des Nation Team Australia Facebook page, like our page to stay updated.
Trial des Nations - Last chance to help our team out
Posted 26th Aug, 2016 |
Phil Whittle - TdN Team Manager