Check out the full results from Rd 3 2022 TCC Pointscore Series, held yesterday at Dave Johnson's 'Batkins' property.
Massive thank you to Luke and Barry Anderson for everything they did to make it the successful Trial that it was. To Dave Johnson, not only for providing the venue, but also for clearing out the 9 sections.
Special mention to Viki O'Brien for her professional handling of the scoring in our soon to be upgraded Scorevan.
Each of you that went out to help run the tapes, and the splits, well done and thank you too.
Jason Tedesco, Brian Connell and myself would have all been in attendance, but Covid interrupted our plans.
I hope to see you all at 'The Angle' on July 24th. Please make my life just a little less stressful, and all get your entries in as soon as they become available. Remember, if you notify me up to the day before the Trial that you won't be there, I'll refund your entry fee.
Photos from the event on Facebook, thanks to Brett Davis.
Trevor Bennett
TCC Secretary