The 2018 TCC Two Day Fun Trial is on again 27th and 28th October. We'd love to have you come and join us for a truly fun weekend.
No Grades. Just four lines, and you make your line as hard as you wish.
Red Line: The toughest and most challenging.
Yellow Line: The way Masters used to be when TCC invented the Class. For genuine B graders and not retired A graders.
Blue Line: Definitely the most fun line.
Clubman Line: No white splits. You go where you want to go.
You all start, in pairs, at two minute intervals. No queues, you observe each other.
Course is a figure eight. First half is 4.3k and has 12 sections. Second half is 6.3k with another 12 sections. You stop at the TCC control van to get a new scorecard, and to top up your fuel, after each 12 sections. You do this twice for a total of 48 sections.
Then on Sunday you do the whole thing in reverse. All we change on Saturday arvo is the Start and End gates.
This event is after all the State Titles, and the Aussie Titles have all been run and won.
If you're just someone who enjoys a ride, at a superb venue, this is the Trial for you. If you only travel to one event in 2018, make it to the TCC Two Day Trial.
Many of my Trials Mates from Victoria gave up their ride at consecutive events to Observe at the Vic Titles, and at the Aussie Titles. This is our invitation to you great people to dust off your trials steed, and to come to Top Naas for a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.
Get your mates to come along and have a go. One Event Licences are available for this event, and we can sort out One Event membership. However, you'll need to do all of this prior to close of entries on Wednesday October 24th.
The link below will take you directly to the Supp Regs, and the Entry Form.
Please remember that I will be in New Zealand, Observing at the New Zealand National Trials Championships, from 17th to 24th October. This great event also includes the Oceania Shield, which used to be called the Trans Tasman Trials shield. You'll be able to message me with any questions.
Keep your feet up,
Trev the travelling Trialist