The Junior Coaching Program (JCP) is a national initiative by Motorcycling Australia. It applies to all current and potential juniors aged between 7 and under 16 who wish to obtain or renew a competition licence. Mototrials will be running under this program like every other motorcycle discipline.
The aim of the JCP is to improve rider safety through regular coaching and to maintain skills for all junior motorcycle competitors.
Key Points
- A junior rider wishing to obtain a junior competition licence for the first time must complete the Kickstart program under instruction from an accredited Motorcycle Sport coach.
- A junior rider wishing to renew their junior competition licence must undertake a minimum of five (5) hours per year of coaching under instruction from an accredited Motorcycle Sport coach until they reach the age of 16.
- All junior riders must maintain a Log Book of the coaching hours.
Full details of the JCP are in the new "Kick Start – Getting Started In Motorcycle Sport" booklet for juniors, found on the Motorcycling Australia website:
Download the Kickstart - Getting started in Junior Motorcycle Sport booklet
Download the Junior Coaching Program - Moto Trials Lesson Plan
New Juniors – obtaining a new licence
All junior riders who wish to take out a competition licence for the first time (including a one meeting/event licence) must complete the Kickstart program. This is done via a minimum of 5 hours coaching under instruction from an accredited Motorcycle Sport coach. The Kickstart program incorporates discipline-specific modules, a riding test, and a multiple choice theory test.
A rider can take as much time as they need to complete the required coaching modules and they may even do it over a number of days or weeks and have different coaches, but it must be a minimum of 5 hours.
Coaching, Riding Test and Theory Test
The coaching and assessments are in the "Kick Start" booklet (see above link).
The Mototrials coaching plan can be found in the attachment below.
In addition to the coaching modules and assessments the "Kick Start" booklet contains general getting started information. The assessments are on perforated pages so they can be easily torn from the booklet. Once completed and signed off by a coach/s, the assessments can be sent to a SCB with an application for a competition licence.
Current Juniors – renewing your licence
A junior rider who wishes to renew their licence must:
• Undertake 5 hours of coaching each year – conducted by an accredited coach.
• Record the required coaching hours in the JCP Log Book.
• Send copy of the record of coaching hours (from the JCP log book) with a renewal application to your SCB to obtain a new licence.
Log Book
The aim of the JCP log book is to improve safety for all junior competitors by having them maintain an up-to-date record of:
• The minimum 5 hours of coaching that must be undertaken each year.
• Penalties imposed on the rider at events – must be signed by both the Clerk of Course and Steward.
• Medical attention received.
All junior riders must present their log book along with their competition licence at all race meetings and practice days.
All junior riders who take out a competition licence will be sent a log book in addition to a licence card and GCR.
125cc 2 Stroke and 250cc 4 Stroke Endorsement
All junior riders must meet these conditions to compete on a 125cc 2 stroke and/or 250cc 4 stroke machines:
• 5 hours of coaching on a 125cc 2 stroke machine.
• 5 hours of coaching on a 250cc 4 stroke machine.
• The coaching for either 125cc 2 stroke or 250cc 4 stroke can be undertaken 3 months prior to the riders birthday which allows them to compete on either machine.
• A rider must receive 5 hours coaching on both machines, if they want endorsement for both.
• The required 5 hours coaching for 125cc 2 stroke and 250cc 4 stroke will count toward the 5 hours coaching needed each year.
One Meeting (Competition) Licenses – (Club and Interclub Events)
Junior participants intending to take out a One Meeting (competition) must complete the required 5 hours of coaching and rider assessment and the theory test. They will need to complete the relevant forms in the "Kick Start" booklet and send them to their SCB. The rider will then be issued with a log book and their details kept on the membership/licensing database.
Nipper and Recreational Licence Holders
Juniors are not required to satisfy the requirements of the JCP in order to ride using a Recreational Licence.
If a current Nipper or Recreational licence holder wishes to obtain a junior competition licence they are treated the same as a new competition licence applicant and must undertake a minimum of 5 hours of coaching and riding assessment and the theory test. Once they have applied for a junior competition licence they will be sent a licence, GCRs and logbook.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does a Nipper or Recreational licence holder upgrade to a junior competition licence?
A. They are treated the same as a new competition applicant and must undertake a minimum of five (5) hours of coaching and riding assessment and theory test.
Q. Who is responsible for the management of the Log Book at the race meeting?
A. Senior officials of a race meeting need to check a rider's licence and all sections of the competitors Log Book. An official should refer to the GCRs (specifically chapter 3) for details on what to look out for. Once an official has checked the Log Book they then return it to the rider.
Q. Who needs a Log Book?
A. Any Junior who wants to compete in any closed to club, Interclub or Open competition must have a Log Book. Note that Recreational Licence holders are deemed to be not competing at events at which they ride.
Q. Why haven't I received a Log Book?
A. Log Books have been sent to all juniors who were holding a competition licence before July 1st 2006. Recreational licence holders and one event licence holders were not sent a Log Book.
Q. Do I need a log book to ride at Ride Days or Practice Days?
A. No. You are only required to have a Log Book at competitive events. However it is a good idea to take your Log Book to all coaching days so that the coaching can be signed off.
Q. Can I compete if I don't have my Log Book at the meeting?
A. No. You cannot ride at any competition if you don't have your Log Book with you, no matter what type of licence you have. Recreational Licence holders are deemed to be not competing at events at which they ride and therefore do not need a logbook in order to ride.
Q. I have my Log Book now, do I have to have 5 hours of coaching before I can compete?
A. No. The 5 hours coaching is only a requirement for licence renewal.
Q. Can I compete if I don't have a Log Book yet?
A. No. You must have both your Licence and Log Book at the event to compete.
Q. Who can I get to help me get my 5 hours coaching required for my licence renewal?
A. Any Motorcycling Australia accredited Level 1 or 2 coach that is not a member of your immediate family, unless it is part of a larger group.
Q. My Dad wants to be a coach. How does he go about it?
A. Contact MV, or check the Manual of Motorcycle Sport for details.
Q. Can an Official sign off my coaching hours?
A. No, only a Level 1 or 2 coach can sign off your annual coaching hours.
Q. What can a Club Level Coach do?
A. A Club Level Coach can take new riders applying for their competition licence through the new Kick Start training and assessments. A Club Level Coach can also assist a Level 1 or 2 coach at any training session.
Q. If my Log Book is lost or stolen, what can I do?
A. Call the MV Office as soon as possible and the office will send you out the appropriate form to apply for another Log Book. Alternatively visit to download the Log Book Application Form. Don't wait until you get to the track to ask for a new one.
Q. If I have competed on a 125cc 2 stroke but not a 250cc 4 stroke can I get accredited for both?
A. No. These are separate endorsements; you will be required to complete the required training (5 hours coaching) on the bike you haven't competed on.
Q. If I want to get a One Event Competition Licence do I have to complete the 5 hours coaching first?
A. If it is your first time getting a One Event Competition Licence, then you will have to complete the new Kick Start assessments, which requires 5 hours of coaching.
Q. Can I use a professional coaching school to get my 5 hours?
A. Absolutely. The coaches who run these schools are actually accredited Level 1 or 2 coaches and can sign off your coaching in your Log Book.
Q. What do I need to do with my Log Book when I get to the event?
A. You need to show your Log Book with your licence at sign in. Your Log Book will then be handed back to you. An Official may ask later for your Log Book if they need to enter a penalty or medical attention received.
Q. How much does coaching cost?
A. It will depend on who is running the coaching day. Some clubs may offer their members free coaching by coaches who are members of the club.
Q. How will I know when coaching days are being run?
A. Keep in contact with your club to find out about coaching days they may be holding.
Q. Who are the official coaches?
A. There are usually several in each state/territory. Contact your club for details.